
OG Loc: Character (Biography & Wiki)

OG Loc
OG Loc is a character and his original name is Jeffrey Cross. He is neighbor of Carl Johnson and he wants to become a Big Rapper one day. He fulfills his wish and becomes a star rapper in later stages.

Early Life:
About his early life, very less is known and it can only be guessed according to the video game's script that OG Loc is a neighbor and long time friend of Carl Johnson and Sweet Johnson. He is allied to the Grove Street Family.

OG Loc: Character

Biography: (Wiki)

OG Loc wants to become a star rapper in the San Andreas game. For this, he tries hard but cannot achieve and eventually lands in prison. During  the GTA game, he is first introduced during the OG Loc Mission which is given by Big Smoke to Carl Johnson.

Smoke, Carl and Ryder go to receive Loc from the prison. After coming out, he takes revenge from one of his prison inmates whose name is Freddy. It is found that Freddy had molested Loc inside the prison and so Loc makes Carl Johnson kill freddy.

Later, LOC gets a job at a shop named Burger Shot and continues to work there until becoming a rapper. From Burger Shot, he persuades Carl to help him and thus makes Carl steal Madd Dogg's rhyme book and also kill Madd Dogg's manager. He does all this so as to become a celebrity.

As the script reaches its climax, it is shown that CJ is betrayed by his own friends from Grove Street families and CJ flees Los Santos area. It is here when LOC becomes a star and his new ally is Big Smoke who betrayed CJ.

OG Loc and Carl Rivalry in GTA:

Finally, when Carl gets his hold and revives Grove Street gang, he saves Madd Dogg's life (Loc's rival) and Dogg appoint CJ as his manager. And both then chase down him to get back Madd Dogg's stolen Rhyme book which Loc possesses.After much chase and arguments, he agrees to leave the rapping and return the rhyme book and never return to rapping again. After this, Loc's story is unknown.

Mission appearances

Click here for OG Loc's Rap.

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